Monday, August 8, 2016

My new companion is Hna. Rosillo from Peru, and she's really cool. I like her a lot. When we recieved our transfers Sunday night, I was nervous because my old comp is an extremely hard worker, and I felt that the area wouldn't do as well without her. It's also a big area, and I didn't think I I knew it well enough. But, with every tansfer, I come to realize even more that the work is the same. If you work hard and trust that the Lord knows what He is doing, it all works out well. This was easily the least stressfull transfer I have had thus far, and our area is doing very well, which makes me very grateful-
Also, C got baptized!! She's almost 78, only speaks Quechua (but generally understands Spanish), can barely walk, and she's awesome. When we ended our first lesson with her last month, I thought my companion was a little crazy to be talking about her baptism. But, I have learned that neither age, health problems, nor even a language barrier can prevent prepared people from finding the truth. Her daughter and her family are members of our ward, but C never was interested beforehand. But, she has been so excited for her baptism, and she took it like a champ. Her son-in-law and the 2 Elders from our ward all had to help in the baptismal font, but overall it went really well, and was a very beautiful service. Her grandson and another little from our ward were baptized as well.
Today we went to explore a little town outside of the city called Yotala. Supposedly there's a really beautiful river close by, but when we got there, it was literally just a little stream haha. We went with some of the other sisters in our zone, and I think some of them were a little disappointed when we got there, but I thought  it was cool to explore and see a little more of a town I never would have seen otherwise.
Overall, it was a great week and I'm excited for this transfer! I hope you have an awesome week!
Love you all!
Hermana Rupp

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